The meeting of the Lieutenants and Magistral Delegates of Asia and the Pacific

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La riunione dei Luogotenenti e Delegati Magistrali dell'Asia e del Pacifico Thanks to virtual media, the Lieutenants and Magistral Delegates of Asia and the Pacific were able to meet with representatives of the Grand Magisterium at their annual meeting.

Wednesday, 14 April, the meeting of the Lieutenants and Magistral Delegates of Asia and the Pacific took place virtually with the participation from Rome of Cardinal Filoni, Grand Master of the Order, and in from Jerusalem of the Latin Patriarch, His Beatitude Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Grand Prior of the Order, and from Pompei of Archbishop Tommaso Caputo, Assessor of the Order. The Lieutenant General and the Treasurer Dr. Saverio Petrillo were also present.

The meeting, coordinated and directed by the Governor General, Leonardo Visconti di Modrone and carefully prepared by the Vice Governor General, Paul Bartley, allowed an examination of the problems of that geographical area, giving the floor to each of the five Australian Lieutenants, to those of the Philippines and Taiwan, and to the Magistral Delegates of Guam and New Zealand. Among the main topics discussed were overcoming the current difficult phase of health emergencies, the need to spread awareness of the identity and mission of the Order, the Order's reflection on the involvement of young people among its ranks, the reflections of some controversial cases on the image of the Catholic Church, the expansion of the Order in Malaysia, through the creation of a Magistral Delegation in Penang, and possible forms of direct collaboration with parishes in the Holy Places to bring the faithful from areas so distant closer to the Land of Jesus.


(Spring 2021)